
I read a post today from Nurse_Haskins that said, “Dear NURSING students” Don’t allow ANYONE to rush you to the finish line. It took ME over 20 years to go from CNA to FNP and some of those […]


All my research, all that I saw on a daily basis I concluded people are dying at excessive rates. This spread is not slowing. I believe in evidence-based research and it has checked the appropriate boxes deemed safe. Not being protected hoping the rest of my country will do the right thing hasn’t worked thus far. But I can do more. So, in December I was the 6th person in line at my hospital the first day vaccines were administered. I was so happy and so thankful for the opportunity I felt like I was flying.


If you were to be a fly on my wall during any evening that my  husband and I are watching a medical show (Grey’s Anatomy, New Amsterdam, The Resident, The Good Doctor, Transplant, etc) then you would hear […]


There’s a possibility you have heard the serenity prayer in the past. It is used as a collective prayer in certain religions as well as people navigating through sobriety. My last podcast episode, “On the Road Ramblings: You […]


It’s finally here. Many people I know hold this time of year, this Christmas holiday as their favorite. While seeing everyone prepare to celebrate December 25, I am still witnessing Christians who are offended at the phrase “Happy […]


Have you ever heard the saying, “One bad apple can spoil the bunch?” As fruit ripens it lets off a gas that prods around to ripen the others causing them to change and become like the one next […]


I was listening last week to a podcast as I was trying to make my room more acoustically appropriate for my podcast episodes- which translates to blah blah blah, make it sound better. The podcast I was listening […]


At work I had a patient’s daughter state, “I see you have a ‘thing’ for cactus.” She probably noticed the cactus badge holder, the small trinket hanging from my badge, and likely the colorful tattoo on my arm. […]


As an empath I feel everything to an extreme- to a point of emotional exhaustion. My exhaustion came to a head yesterday in an utterly embarrassing way. The only word that continued to come to my mind as […]


“My Mother told me to be a lady. For her that meant be your own person, be independent.” – Ruth Bader Ginsberg One time at college I was practicing (tumbling) between classes. I was so thirsty but the […]